Harold Katcher launches the book “The Illusion of Knowledge” on September 4th
Harold Katcher, the scientist whose treatment of rats led to a 54% reduction in their epigenetic age, will launch on September 4th, 2021, the book "The Illusion of Knowledge", in which he explains his theory of aging, gives details about the experiment of rejuvenation of rats with the plasma fraction called E5, and explains how this discovery fits into the history and evolution of scientific ideas. In addition, Dr. Katcher, who holds a PhD in Biology and has a long career in science, being one of the discoverers of the breast cancer gene (BRCA1), tells in the book a little of his personal story and his struggle to put into practice a vision of aging and a possible therapy that prove to be extremely promising for the field of rejuvenation.
NTZ: a tool for the rejuvenation field
The challenge of developing rejuvenation therapies, which will save the lives of about 40 million people a year, is perhaps the greatest endeavor humanity has ever undertaken. And it is urgent, because 110,000 people die from age-related diseases every day. The ability to undo aging would be an important step in our species’ fight for life, which dates back to the first use of fire, the development of hunting techniques and spoken language, followed by the development of agriculture, writing, medicine, democracy, vaccines, antibiotics, and so many other technologies that help us to stay alive. And all these technologies, which have brought us this far, were not developed by a single culture, nor by a single population who spoke a certain language. Humanity has only come this far by sharing the inventions and capabilities that different cultures have developed. And that's why we need a wide collaboration of as many people as possible in order to quickly take this new step towards rejuvenation therapies.
Big Chronology of Life on Earth
“Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the universe or we are not, both are equally terrifying.”
Sir Arthur C. Clarke, 1962
“Live long and prosper.
yIn nI’ yISIQ ‘ej yIchep (Klingon pronunciation).
dif-tor heh smusma (Vulcan pronunciation).”
Commander Spock from Vulcan in the Spaceship USS Enterprise, 2260
To put into perspective a complete chronology and evolution of life on our tiny planet Earth, I summarize here what I consider the most relevant information from the very distant past to our immediate future. The objective is to reach a better understanding about the long-term evolution of life, including the power of exponential changes.
The role of many professions in the rejuvenation endeavor
Human rejuvenation endeavor — understood as the process through which humanity attempts to reach a biotechnological level that allows us to avoid and reverse age-related deseases through rejuvenation technologies — has gained increasingly more supporters in recent years. The task seems more feasible day by day: clinical trials (like those related to senolytics) are happening right now, with good results so far. Thus, a lot of people are starting to be strucked by the realization that there is a very meaningful chance that medicine could considerably rejuvenate people in 15 or 20 years from now. The implications in terms of health and well-being would be incalculable. So, many people are asking themselves: how my professional work can help this happen as soon as possible?
The importance of official clinical trials for rejuvenation therapies
A medicine isn't something that a responsible person can simply "try". It's known that medicines usually have collateral effects, even when they are relatively safe and effective. If there is a considerable doubt about the safety of a medicine, it's reasonable to only take it as a last resource, in an extreme situation. And the most socially trusted way to verify the safety of a medicine is through state-supervised clinical trials. This may seem pretty obvious, but it's important to emphasize this fact with the rejuvenation community, because the excitement with animal-model tests or with the initial phases of human clinical trials, despite being completely justifiable in this community, is far from being shared by the general public. It's true that the animal-model tests and the initial human trials are an important part of the whole process of official approval, and allow the existence of the next phases of the process. However, if the whole approval process isn't completed, people in general won't use the rejuvenation therapies, and we can't forget that the main goal is that we, our relatives, friends, coworkers, neighbors, clients, employees, bosses — I mean, regular people — could rejuvenate and become free of the certain deterioration and death caused by aging.