Harold Katcher launches the book “The Illusion of Knowledge” on September 4th
Harold Katcher, the scientist whose treatment of rats led to a 54% reduction in their epigenetic age, will launch on September 4th, 2021, the book "The Illusion of Knowledge", in which he explains his theory of aging, gives details about the experiment of rejuvenation of rats with the plasma fraction called E5, and explains how this discovery fits into the history and evolution of scientific ideas. In addition, Dr. Katcher, who holds a PhD in Biology and has a long career in science, being one of the discoverers of the breast cancer gene (BRCA1), tells in the book a little of his personal story and his struggle to put into practice a vision of aging and a possible therapy that prove to be extremely promising for the field of rejuvenation.
The scientific article that informed the whole scientific community about the extraordinary results of rejuvenation of rats can be found at https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.07.082917v1.full.pdf and was published in May 2020. A very relevant fact was that the measurement of the epigenetic rejuvenation of rats was performed by Steve Horvath, the scientist who invented the epigenetic clock and who is the first author of the article. The article was published in bioRχiv and not in a peer-review publication because the plasma fraction used in the rats, E5, is still under patenting process, and therefore its composition could not be revealed, only the results.
The book's full title is "The Illusion of Knowledge: the paradigm shift in aging research that shows the way to human rejuvenation". The book is being published by NTZ, a publishing house specialized in the rejuvenation field (www.ntzplural.com), and the book launch will take place in Book Passage (Ferry Building) in San Francisco (CA) on September 4th, at 3 p.m. From that day on, the book will be available on Amazon worldwide in print and online.
Dr. Katcher has thousands of citations in the scientific literature, with publications ranging from protein structure to bacteriology, biotechnology, bioinformatics and biochemistry. He was the Academic Director for Natural Sciences for the Asian Division of the University of Maryland Global Campus, and nowadays is Chief Scientific Officer at Yuvan Research Inc., which is working on the development of rejuvenation treatments.