
The Illusion of Knowledge, by Harold Katcher, in Spanish

Dr. Harold Katcher explains the foundations of his theory of aging and the evolutionary and biochemical bases of the mechanisms that determine the lifespan of different species, also conducting an in-depth analysis of the history of scientific ideas and humanity's relationship with the idea of immortality. The Illusion of Knowledge was translated into Spanish and published by NTZ in 2022 in ebook and print formats.

The Illusion of Knowledge, by Harold Katcher, in Portuguese

Dr. Harold Katcher explains the foundations of his theory of aging and the evolutionary and biochemical bases of the mechanisms that determine the lifespan of different species, also conducting an in-depth analysis of the history of scientific ideas and humanity's relationship with the idea of immortality. The Illusion of Knowledge was translated into Portuguese and published by NTZ in 2022 in ebook and print formats.

The Illusion of Knowledge, by Harold Katcher, in Polish

Dr. Harold Katcher explains the foundations of his theory of aging and the evolutionary and biochemical bases of the mechanisms that determine the lifespan of different species, also conducting an in-depth analysis of the history of scientific ideas and humanity's relationship with the idea of immortality. The Illusion of Knowledge was translated into Polish and published by NTZ in 2022 in ebook and print formats.


Replacing Aging, by Jean Hébert, in Portuguese

Dr. Jean Hébert, Professor of Neuroscience and Genetics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, outlines how aging will soon be reversible as a result of the advances being made in regenerative medicine and describes how tissues and organs could be replaced to reset the aging clock to zero. Replacing Aging was translated into Portuguese and published by NTZ in 2022 in its ebook version.

Replacing Aging, by Jean Hébert, in Spanish

Dr. Jean Hébert, Professor of Neuroscience and Genetics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, outlines how aging will soon be reversible as a result of the advances being made in regenerative medicine and describes how tissues and organs could be replaced to reset the aging clock to zero. Replacing Aging was translated into Spanish and published by NTZ in 2021 in its ebook version.

The Illusion of Knowledge, by Harold Katcher

Dr. Harold Katcher explains the foundations of his theory of aging and the evolutionary and biochemical bases of the mechanisms that determine the lifespan of different species, also conducting an in-depth analysis of the history of scientific ideas and humanity's relationship with the idea of immortality. The Illusion of Knowledge was published by NTZ in 2021 in ebook and print formats.


The Abolition of Aging, by David Wood, in Portuguese

David Wood, chair of London Futurists, provides in this book powerful arguments for humankind to engage willingly in the journey to undo aging. The book was written for a non-specialized public, but it analyzes profound and complex arguments, specially those related to social sciences. The Abolition of Aging was translated into Portuguese and published by NTZ in 2020 in its ebook version.

Ending Aging, by Aubrey de Grey with Michael Rae, in Portuguese

A classic book by Aubrey de Grey with Michael Rae which exposes the basis of the modern rejuvenation science, whose goal is to repair the molecular and cellular damage of aging and thus avoid age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer's, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The book was translated from English into Portuguese and published in e-book (2018) and printed (2019) versions by NTZ.

A Morte da Morte, by José Cordeiro and David Wood, in Portuguese

Book by José Cordeiro and David Wood written for a wide public, which explains the biological basis of the rejuvenation science and provides economic, demographic, psychological and humanitarian arguments to support the development of rejuvenation therapies. It was translated from Spanish into Portuguese by NTZ in 2019 and published by LVM.


Longevity Industry 1.0, by Dmitry Kaminskiy and Margaretta Colangelo

Longevity Industry 1.0, by Dmitry Kaminskiy and Margaretta Colangelo, is a book which describes in detail the economic, financial and investment environment of the longevity space that is helping to hasten the arrival of longevity and rejuvenation technologies. Also addressing related topics, this book counted with NTZ editorial assistance, and it was published by DKG in 2020.